Hormones can sometimes be the cause of extra belly fat. Numerous biological processes, including metabolism, stress, appetite, and sex drive, are regulated by hormones. Hormonal belly fat is a condition where a person gains weight around the abdomen as a result of a hormone shortage. Your body’s biochemistry goes down when you put on too much weight, especially around the waist. You encourage even more fat storage while increasing inflammation and oxidative stress. As a result, you will experience a vicious cycle of symptoms, weight gain, sickness, and hormonal misfires unless you make a change.

What is Hormonal Belly and What Causes It?
Hormonal belly is always associated with hormonal imbalances, particularly in women. Several factors can contribute to the development of a hormonal belly:
- Estrogen dominance: Estrogen is a hormone that plays a crucial role in regulating fat storage and distribution in the body. When estrogen levels are higher in relation to other hormones, it can lead to an increase in abdominal fat deposition.
- Insulin resistance: Insulin is a hormone that regulates blood sugar levels. When cells become resistant to the effects of insulin, the body produces more insulin to compensate, leading to higher insulin levels. Elevated insulin levels can promote fat storage, especially around the abdomen.
- Cortisol and stress: Cortisol is a stress hormone that, when chronically elevated due to prolonged stress, can lead to abdominal fat accumulation. High stress levels and poor stress management can lead to increased cortisol levels and promote fat storage in the abdominal area.
- Thyroid imbalances: The thyroid gland produces hormones that regulate metabolism. When there is an underactive thyroid (hypothyroidism), it can slow down metabolism and contribute to weight gain, including increased belly fat.
- Menopause: During menopause, hormonal fluctuations occur, including a decline in estrogen levels. This hormonal shift can lead to an increase in abdominal fat storage.
- Genetics: Some individuals may have a genetic predisposition to store excess fat around the abdomen, making them more prone to developing a hormonal belly.
- Poor diet and lifestyle factors: Unhealthy eating habits, a sedentary lifestyle, inadequate sleep, and chronic stress can all contribute to hormonal imbalances and the development of excess abdominal fat.
📚📖See Also: How Intermittent Fasting Helps with Belly Fat Loss
Signs of Belly Fat due to Hormones
In fact, belly fat is not always due to hormonal disorders because of the existence and influence of uncertain factors like diet and exercise. If your diet has not altered and you still have the same gym schedule, however, something about your belly is different. How comes? There are natural ways to recognize your hormonal belly fat before you hurry to the doctor to seek a prescription for your hormonal belly.
Your belly gets bigger though you’re eating clean.
The majority of the time, your diet can be linked to belly fat. However, if your stomach is bulging despite maintaining a consistent diet and lifestyle, your weight gain may be hormonal. Several factors beyond of your control, such as aging (consider menopause and andropause), some cancer therapy (hormonal therapies), and underlying health concerns (thyroid issues, infection, etc.) can cause changes in hormone levels.
Gaining weight around your belly may just be a sign that your estrogen or testosterone levels are varying as you age. Conversely, if you haven’t altered your way of life and you aren’t close to middle age, talk to your doctor about having them look for underlying medical issues.
You’ve had a strong desire for sugar.
Sugar cravings are frequently the first sign of hormone problems. Diabetes can result from insulin resistance, but it can also have some unintended consequences on various other vital hormones. Leptin production may be negatively impacted by insulin resistance. The hormone leptin notifies your body when you are full, but high insulin levels also cause high leptin levels over time.
Leptin resistance has been linked to weight gain, according to researchers. If despite large meals, you still feel hungry, consult your doctor. Overeating may be a result of leptin resistance, which may be a concern. And your blood sugar and insulin levels can be balanced by cutting back on sugar, giving up processed meals, and avoiding things like dairy, alcohol, and caffeine.
You’ve experienced a lot of mood fluctuations.
Sadness, wrath, or a frenzied combination of the two are frequently served alongside hormonal bellies. That’s because your entire body is impacted when your hormone balance is out of work. Estrogen levels frequently fluctuate in pre-and post-menopausal women, which can cause mood swings and obstinate weight gain around the abdomen. A University of Wisconsin study suggests that this explains why women are more likely than men to experience mood problems.
Therefore, concentrate on things you can control, such as your food and exercise schedule. Refresh your menus and make sure your diet contains lots of vegetables, lean protein, complex carbohydrates, and healthy fats. These foods will not only keep you satisfied and prevent hunger, but they will also help you lose belly fat.
You’re sleep-deprived.
A hormonal belly can result from burning the candle at both ends. Whether done purposefully or unintentionally, long-term lack of sleep can have serious health repercussions, ranging from increasing appetite to decreasing sex drive. It will also specifically affect the stress hormone cortisol, the hormone leptin that signals your brain to stop eating, and the hunger hormone ghrelin (the hormone that increases your appetite). A 2019 study discovered that hormonal changes, weight gain, and higher calorie consumption occurred even in people who sought to make up for missing sleep by snoozing on the weekends.
You’re stressed all the time.
Cortisol is frequently referred to as the stress hormone. Cortisol is a significant factor in the hormonal battle against belly obesity. Cortisol levels rise when your body detects you’re overwhelmed or anxious, which might cause obstinate weight gain. In essence, persistent stress can result in persistently elevated cortisol. That will guarantee you a large appetite and high blood sugar levels, which is bad for losing weight as well as losing belly fat.
Why is Intermittent Fasting Beneficial for Getting Rid of Hormonal Belly Fat?
Simply put, intermittent fasting is going for a short or intermediate period of time without food. This “not eating” window can be as short as 12 hours and include sleep time, or as long as 16, 20, or 24 hours. Individuals fast in various ways. Some people attempt to go each day for 12 or more hours without eating. Some people attempt to fast for 12 or 16 hours a day. Some folks go a whole day without eating every week. This time-restricted pattern may help improve certain health conditions like weight loss, low risk for heart disease, and high blood pressure.
Actually, intermittent fasting can also aid in hormone balance according to James Roche, Registered Dietitian Nutritionist with SCL Health. He also adds, “There is substantial research that suggests that intermittent fasting may help to improve hormonal balance. This can enhance metabolism and sleep, leave us feeling more energized and also help us to burn more calories.” Since intermittent fasting can help hormone balance, then it must be effective to get rid of hormonal belly fat.
Intermittent fasting can be an effective strategy for losing hormonal belly fat. However, do not try intermittent fasting if you’ve had eating disorders in the past or you are pregnant or you are experiencing difficulty sleeping, remaining asleep, or waking up in the morning Adrenal exhaustion or you have been diagnosed with endometriosis, PCOS, fibroids, PMS, or other types of hormonal condition.
Best Intermittent Fasting Plans that Work for Hormonal Belly Fat
There are several different intermittent fasting plans available, and the first step-choosing a suitable method is essential for tackling hormonal belly fat in particular (aka visceral fat). You may hear of various plans of IF like alternate-day fasting (ADF), the 16:8 method, eat-stop-eat fasting, whole-day fasting, and so on, but the two main forms are ADF and time-restricted eating (TRE). Then which one works best for hormonal belly fat burning?
ADF recommends eating a lot of nutritious meals one day and then completely fasting the next. With the Time Restricted Eating (TRE) technique, you fast for progressively shorter amounts of time each day. Examples of time-restricted eating include fasting for 16 hours followed by 8 hours of eating (16:8) or fasting for 12 hours followed by 12 hours of eating (12:12).
it might appear that the longer fast should prevail in terms of reducing abdominal fat. However, a recent 2021 study discovered that ADF decreased lipolysis, or the breakdown of fat, in rat belly fat. And in contrast, a human study that combined TRE with a daily 16-hour fast discovered an increase in fat breakdown and a decrease in abdominal fat. So the TRE method is more effective if you are practicing IF for losing belly fat.
How to Smartly and Efficiently Do Intermittent Fasting for Hormonal Belly?
Intermittent fasting is really a good way for assisting your body in activating fat-burning processes and losing your hormonal belly. But any advantages from the fasting time could be lost if employed improperly by not taking into account your meals, rest, and exercise as well. So you can make full use of IF by following the rules:
Choose a fasting window that works best for you.
Each person will have a different timeframe, and each person will fast for a different amount of time. Start at your regular dinner time and count backward from there when determining the timing of your dining window.
📚📖See Also: How to Determine Which Intermittent Fasting Plan is Best for You?
Cut back on foods that cause insulin to increase.
Sugar, large amounts of carbohydrates, and refined/processed grains are the foods that release the most insulin, and as a result, have the most inhibitory effects on systems that help the body burn fat. High-quality fats, fruits and vegetables with high fiber content, and proteins are the foods with the least negative effects on insulin.
Combine with workouts.
If you really want to lose your belly fat in a short time by intermittent fasting, check out your workout schedule. Walking is a low-intensity workout that doesn’t significantly raise cortisol levels. Alternatively, you might merely engage in a HIIT workout (HIIT).
Other Must-Follow Tips to Reduce Hormonal Belly Fat
Remember that not all calories are created equal. Like too many carbohydrates, certain meals’ calories cause you to store belly fat while other foods cause you to store muscle and burn fat. Additionally, hormones are more important than calories. Resetting the hormones insulin, leptin, cortisol, growth hormone, and adiponectin is a key step in losing abdominal fat. The following are other must-follow tips to reduce hormonal belly fat.
- Relax. Cortisol is known as “the stress hormone” for a reason. Chronically high cortisol levels can lead to weight gain, insulin resistance, and other problems, whether they are caused by chronic stress or Cushing’s syndrome. So begin by addressing your stress before you address your hormonal belly. Attempt meditation. enroll in a yoga class. Try practicing mindful breathing.
- Try to improve your sleep quality. A greater body mass index (BMI) and insomnia have been associated in studies. To help your body’s hormones to function properly and restore a regular rhythm to your digestive system, aim for 7 or 8 hours each night. Sleep can’t really be replaced. It helps your body and brain relax, reboot, and maintain healthy hormone levels.
- Consume more meals that regulate hormones. Hormone cycles can be significantly impacted by diet. Your body may store excess belly fat or potentially develop type 2 diabetes when hormones, particularly insulin, are out of control. Fortunately, consuming meals high in fiber regularly can put your insulin on a healthy course. Stocking your cupboard with more hormone-balancing items like broccoli, chickpeas, lean meats, and tart cherries will help you achieve your goals.
- Do not drink alcohol. According to research, drinking alcohol alters hormone levels, even increasing estrogen in premenopausal women. Try quitting alcohol for one month if you believe your weight gain is hormonal. Check to see if it changes anything. It’s possible that your evening glass of wine has been secretly boosting your endocrine system.
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